
 110 學年度 第 1 學期 英語學系 楊逸君教師 英語教學評量 課程大綱

課程簡介   Course Introduction
Year / Term
110 學年度 第 1 學期
英語學系 英三四合
Instructional Method
課堂教學 、 中英文雙語授課
Course Reference Number
Course Title(Chinese)
Course Title(English)
English Teaching Evaluation
Credit Hours
2 / 2
Requirement / Elective Course
Teaching Assistant
Meeting Time
Office Hours

獲獎及補助情形   Awards and Grants

聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs跨域類別)   Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs

課程目標   Learning Objectives
1. Students will learn the background theories of Language testing, in particular in the context of EFL learning.
2. Students will be familiar with commonly-used proficiency tests in Taiwan and around the world.
3. Students will be familiar with these types of tests, such as multiple-choice questions, fill-in-blanks, cloze tests, and match tests.
4. Students will learn to design simple test items in traditional paper-pencil tests with regard to four language skills and understand issues related to language testing.
5. Students will learn the approaches and methods in evaluating young EFL learners and will be able to apply these approaches and methods in their classrooms.

先修 ( 前置 ) 課程   Prerequisite

課程大綱   Course Syllabus
Instructional Method/Style/Teaching Style
References or Related Materials
1 1.Introduction to class 2.Discuss about proficiency tests that students are familiar with Google Meet 會議 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/hia-decv-jsz    N/A 
2 1. Differences between testing, evaluation, assessment, and measurement 2.The role that assessment plays in the language classroom. Google Meet 會議 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/hyd-wgbj-mgs  Handout/PPT  Discussion and worksheet; Assignment 
3 1. Practicality, reliability, validity, wash back effects 2. Presentation of different kinds of proficiency tests and their features (1) Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  Worksheet; assignment; Chapter presentation#1 
4 1. Practicality, reliability, validity, wash back effects 2. Presentation of different kinds of proficiency tests and their features (2) Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  Discussion and worksheet; Assignment; Chapter presentation#2 
5 1.Present different types of questions in testing (2) 2.Sample questions and discussion https://ecourse.nutn.edu.tw/tea/tea_preview.aspx#:~:text=their%20features%20(2)-,Lecture%3B%20group%20discussion%C2%A0,-Handout/PPT%C2%A0  Handout/PPT  Discussion and worksheet; Assignment;Chapter presentation#3 
6 1.Present different types of questions in testing (2) 2.Sample questions and discussion Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. PPT 2. Handout 3.In-class activity; Chapter presentation#3 
7 1.Review of the three chapters and oral presentations Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. PPT 2. Handout 3. Assignment #3 due 
8 1.Select test tasks and item analysis Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. Chapter presentation #4 2. PPT 3. Handout 4. review quiz 5. Assignment #2 
9 Mid-term exam      
10 1.Introduction to alternative assessment and their application to teaching English to young learners 2.Pros and cons of alternative assessment Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. Chapter presentation #5 2. worksheet 3. Handout 
11 1. Alternative assessment and their application to teaching English to young learners 2.Pros and cons of alternative assessment 3.How to develop alternative assessment Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. Chapter presentation #6 2. Quiz: Chapter 4,5, & 6 
12 1.More types of listening tests 2.How to develop criteria to measure listening comprehension 3.Designation of listening activities as evaluation Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. Chapter presentation #7; quiz 
13 1.More types of listening tests 2.How to develop criteria to measure listening comprehension 3.Designation of listening activities as evaluation Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. Chapter presentation #8; worksheet 
14 1.Introduction to types of questions to measure speaking ability 2.How to develop criteria to measure speaking 3.Designation of speaking activities as evaluation Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  Worksheet; group discussion 
15 1. Introduction to types of questions to measure reading ability 2. Designation of reading activities as evaluation 3. How to design testing items to measure reading comprehension Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. in-class activities; quiz 
16 1. Introduction to types of questions to measure writing ability 2. Designation of writing activities as evaluation 3. How to design testing items to measure writing ability Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  1. in-class activities; quiz 
17 Reviews of the fours skills in language assessment Lecture; group discussion  Handout/PPT  Worksheet; group discussion 
18 Final exam-Project presentations      

單一課程對應校能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to School Competence
School Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
1 道德力 (Morality) 1
2 自學力 (Self-learning) 3
3 創造力 (Creativity) 2
4 溝通力 (Communication) 1
5 就業力 (Employability) 5

單一課程對應系能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to Department Competence
Department Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
01 系所 使用英語聽、說、讀、寫之能力。 2
02 系所 使用英語文與華語文互譯之能力。 0
03 系所 進行學術研究之能力。 3
04 系所 進入職場就業之能力。 4
05 系所 進行跨文化溝通之能力 2

單一課程對應院能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to College Competence
College Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
1 語文能力 3
2 溝通與合作 3
3 理性創新與實踐 3

教科書或參考用書   Textbooks or Reference Books
館藏書名   Library Books
備註   Remarks
Required textbook
Brown, H. D. (2010). Language Assessment. White Plains: Pearson Education

陳秋蘭、 阮雪莉、 葉世芬。(2000) 國小及兒童英語通關評量:輕鬆考,快樂學。 優百科國際有限公司。
Baily, K. M. (1998). Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
Lambert, Viv. (2004). 趣味測驗學英文。師德企業管理顧問股份有限公司。
Moon, Jayne. (2003). 兒童英語學習規劃與評量。師德企業管理顧問股份有限公司。梁康民譯。

※   Please respect intellectual property rights and do not illegally photocopy textbooks.  ※

教學方法   Teaching Method
Teaching Method
講述 35 %
專題實作 35 %
討論 15 %
問題導向學習 15 %
總和  Total 100 %

成績評量方式   Grading
小考 10 %
期中考 30 %
期末考 35 %
小組口頭報告 15 %
出席狀況 10 %
總和  Total 100 %

Group presentations
(1). Group presentations are to present your original designs of tests to measure one or more language skills in EFL learning.
(2). Group presentations have to be presented on the scheduled dates. The following are the criteria for evaluating your presentation:
A: Whether your presentation is well-prepared and well-organized.
B: Whether the items that you design are original.
C: Whether the test that you design conforms to the type of the measurement that you choose. For example, if your test is criteria-based, you should have a list of the criteria which you use to invent your test.
D: How you are going to prove the reliability and the validity of your test.
E: Whether you hand in a hard copy of your test items.
In order to fulfill the requirement of the presentation, please follow the ensuing instruction:
A: There must be no less than three members in your group.
B: All the work has to be evenly assigned to each member in your group.
C: You have to discuss with your group members and decide the kind of test you want to design together.
D: When developing the test, you may talk to the instructor whenever you encounter any difficulties and attempt to find the possible solutions.
E: All the tests have to be written in English and have to be relevant to English language learning.
F: All the presentations have to be presented on the scheduled dates.

課程大綱補充資料   Supplementary Material of Course Syllabus