
 110 學年度 第 1 學期 英語學系 謝麗雪教師 語言與文化 課程大綱

課程簡介   Course Introduction
Year / Term
110 學年度 第 1 學期
英語學系 英語二
Instructional Method
課堂教學 、 中英文雙語授課
Course Reference Number
Course Title(Chinese)
Course Title(English)
Language and Culture
Credit Hours
2 / 2
Requirement / Elective Course
Teaching Assistant
Meeting Time
Office Hours

獲獎及補助情形   Awards and Grants

聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs跨域類別)   Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs

課程目標   Learning Objectives
To understand the relation between language and culture, to learn the interesting phenomenon underlying the language usage.
To-compare Chinese and English and find out differences and similarities between cultural notions and language usage.
To enjoy appreciating language and culture.
To learn to observe people in talking or action and- understand their words and behavior.

先修 ( 前置 ) 課程   Prerequisite

課程大綱   Course Syllabus
Instructional Method/Style/Teaching Style
References or Related Materials
1 9/15 Introduction+1. The relationship of language and culture lecture, discussion https://meet.google.com/wwb-ecar-ftm    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
2 9/22 1. The relationship of language and culture lecture, discussion https://meet.google.com/rfn-oanv-syv    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
3 9/29 1. The relationship of language and culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
4 10/6 2. Meaning as sign lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
5 10/13 2. Meaning as sign lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
6 10/20 2. Meaning as sign lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
7 10/27 3. Meaning as action lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
8 11/3 3. Meaning as action lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
9 11/10 midterm exam exam  Chapter 1, 2 and some of ch 3  participation 
10 11/17 3. Meaning as action lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
11 11/24 4. Spoken language, oral culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
12 12/1 4. Spoken language, oral culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
13 12/8 4. Spoken language, oral culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
14 12/15 5. Print language, literature culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
15 12/22 5. Print language, literature culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
16 12/29 5. Print language, literature culture lecture, discussion    attendance, participation discussion, presentation quiz 
17 1/5 final exam exam  some Ch 3 and all Ch 4, Ch 5  participation 
18 1/12 movie learning     attendance, participation 

單一課程對應校能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to School Competence
School Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
1 道德力 (Morality) 4
2 自學力 (Self-learning) 5
3 創造力 (Creativity) 4
4 溝通力 (Communication) 5
5 就業力 (Employability) 4

單一課程對應系能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to Department Competence
Department Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
01 系所 使用英語聽、說、讀、寫之能力。 5
02 系所 使用英語文與華語文互譯之能力。 4
03 系所 進行學術研究之能力。 4
04 系所 進入職場就業之能力。 4
05 系所 進行跨文化溝通之能力 5

單一課程對應院能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to College Competence
College Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
1 語文能力 5
2 溝通與合作 5
3 理性創新與實踐 4

教科書或參考用書   Textbooks or Reference Books
館藏書名   Library Books
備註   Remarks
Kramsch, C. (2000). Language and-Culture. New York:- Oxford University Press.

You need to buy the textbook at the school's bookstore.
WARNING: Do not copy the textbook! Anyone who uses the illegal copies will be penalized.

※   Please respect intellectual property rights and do not illegally photocopy textbooks.  ※

教學方法   Teaching Method
Teaching Method
講述 20 %
討論 25 %
視聽教材 15 %
問題導向學習 25 %
分享 15 %
總和  Total 100 %

成績評量方式   Grading
Class participation, discussion, and attendance (each hour's absence costs 1 point), 15 %
worksheets 15 %
midterm exam 35 %
final exam 35 %
總和  Total 100 %

1. Attendance is required. After the fourth absence, you will not have any grades for all the work in class. You will get whatever grade you have at that point for the course.
2. Attendance will be taken ten minutes after the bell rings. If you come later, you are absent. Do not come to give any excuse. Each hour (Two hours) of absence will result in a 0.5 (1)-point penalty of the participation grades. If you are ten minutes absent during class without an acceptable reason, you are counted as being absent.
3. This policy will be implemented from the first day of class. If you register after day one, you will be considered absence for any class you miss before you register. If you don’t show up on day one, you are absent for that day.
4. The three situations: 6 leaves / 1 unexcused absence and 3 leaves / 2 unexcused absences will be equal to losing the chance of the final exam.
5. If you do not contribute to the group work or are absent for the exam or the group presentation, you will be given a grade of zero.

6. Each person needs to present, answer or ask Q voluntarily for a few times in order to get the points for the performance on participation, discussion and reports. Those who attend certain activities related to English will be given extra points.
7. From the second week on, you will need to sit on a fixed place for the whole semester.
8. The make-up work for the worksheets will get 70% of the grades offered. Handouts fee: $20.
9. Everyone needs to use the textbook of the 2nd edition and no copied one can be used in class. If you use a copied one, you will not pass the class automatically. Everyone needs a textbook for the course. If you forget to bring one, you will lose 0.5 total grade of the course each time.
10. You will have a midterm exam and a final exam. The questions will be definition of terms and some short open-ended questions. worksheets fee: 10 dollars.
***11. Owing to the unpredictable situation of pandemic, you need to prepare for camera lens鏡頭 and microphone for your desk computer or use a laptop or a cell phone with them in advance before the school opening day 9/13. Starting from the first day, we may need to use the on-line style of course learning, depending on the government’s regulations. If you don’t have either of them during the class, each time you will lose 10 points of the total grades of the course.If we have on-line course, you will need to go to 教師公告 in the e-course to download website address of Google Meet and everyone needs to join in the line group on the first day. Use your real name in Chinese for your identity.

課程大綱補充資料   Supplementary Material of Course Syllabus