
 106 學年度 第 2 學期 通識教育中心 柯秀娟教師 英文A(二) 課程大綱

課程簡介   Course Introduction
Year / Term
106 學年度 第 2 學期
通識教育中心 通識必修
Instructional Method
課堂教學 、 中英文雙語授課
Course Reference Number
Course Title(Chinese)
Course Title(English)
English II
Credit Hours
2 / 2
Requirement / Elective Course
Teaching Assistant
Meeting Time
Office Hours

獲獎及補助情形   Awards and Grants

聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs跨域類別)   Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs

課程目標   Learning Objectives
1. Develop confident English speakers able to navigate the social and professional situations they will encounter in their lives.
2. Deliver immediate, demontrable results through it goals- and achievement- based pedagogy and continual recycling of language.
3. All new and updated content greatly increase grammar, reading, listening, and writing practice, plus extra digital exercises.
4. Build up communicative competence.
5. Increase quality and quantity of expression.
6. Help students succeed on standardized tests, academic study, and professional communication.

先修 ( 前置 ) 課程   Prerequisite
1. With relevant langugage competence in English.
2. Being enthusiastic in developing language proficiency.
3. Being able to work on problem-solving tasks.

課程大綱   Course Syllabus
Instructional Method/Style/Teaching Style
References or Related Materials
1 1. Describe some causes of travel hassles
2. Express gratitude for a favor while travelling
1.Ask a stranger for help with I wonder if clauses
2.Agree to offer assistance with How Can I Help?
3.Confirm wilingness to perform a favor
4.Intorduce a statement of relief 
1. Travel nouns
2. Past participles as noun modifiers
3. Unreal conditional sentences and statements with if clauses 
Oral competence 
2 1. Discuss staying safe on the Internet
2.Talk about lost, stolen, or damaged property
1.Listening to infer
2.Listening to activate grammar & main ideas
3. Listening for details and summarize 
1. Reading articles about the dangers of public WIFI
Comparing and constrasting two means of transportation 
3 1. Review work for Unit 6
2. Check and Revise Assignments
3.Unit 7 suggest that someone is being gullible
1.Class presentation and individual performances
3.Call someone's attention to an outrageous claim
4. Express surprise at somoone's gullibility 
1. Ways to express disbelieve
2.Expressions with mind
3. Noun and adjective forms 
Search information on superstitions to share with class 
4 1. Examine superstitions for believeability
2.Talk about the power of suggestion
1. Understand idioms and expressions
2. Infer meaning and draw conclusions
3. Critical thinking 
1. Information gathered from websites
2.Reading articles about the placebo and necebo effects 
Practice work on textbook 
5 1. Discuss phobias
2. Check and Revise Work on U7
1. Express extreme agreement to another;s opinion
2. Listening for details and to confirm content
3. Listening to infer and summarize 
1. Reading articles about phobias  Individual work 
6 Review Unit 6 & 7 1. Oral presentation on stage with topic of superstition and phobias with materials provided on PPT
1. Review lexis, idioms and phrases
2.Review grammatical patterns 
Class presentation 
7 1. Discuss your talents and strengths
2. Suggesst ways to boost intelligence
1. Intoduce exciting news and words to signal indecision
2.Listening for main ideas and to infer
3. Understand idioms and expressions 
1. Expressions to describe talents and stregths
2. Adjectives that describe aspects of intelligence 
Subject / verb agreement: expansion 
8 1. Explain how you produce your best work
2. Check understanding for U6~ U8 Part I & II
1. Using auliliary DO for emphatic stress
2. Introduce the subjunctive
1.An article about whether intelligence can be increased  Get reading for the Mid-term Exam 
9 Mid-term Exam Paper Test     
10 1. Descibe what makes someone a genius
2. Revise work on U8
1. Introduce clauses to express modesty or doubt
2. Get familiar with clauses to provide support for someone's decision
3. Listening for supporting details and than to draw conclusions 
1. An article on staying on target
2. Applying ideas related to personal experiences 
Writing an essay about the challlanges of staying focused 
11 Discuss the feasibility of future technologies 1. Discuss and describe social and demographic trends
2. Reading about a survey on future predictions
Listen to activate vocabulary and identify points of view 
1. Words and phrases related to innovative technologies
2.Ways to express a concern and consequences 
Pair work and share with the class 
12 Evaluate applications of innovative technologies
2. Discuss how to protect our future enviroment
1. Intoduce grammatical points on passive voices
2. Clauses to concede the value of someone's else opinion
Linsen to infer informaiton and to confirm content 
An article on what some people are doing to protect the environment
2. Dictionary entries 
Group work 
13 1. Examine future social and emographic trendds 1. Introduce the passive voice in unreal conditional sentence
2. Words and clauses to describe social and demographic trends
3. Introduce the thesis statement in a formal essay 
1. An article on how people in the past invisioned the future  Write an essay about the future 
14 1. React to news about global issues
2. Discuss the pros and cons of globalization
1. Intoduce phrasal verbs to discuss issues and problems
2. Introduce statements to express surprising, exciting, or disturbing information
3. Listen to activate lexis and phrases 
1. An article about the pros and cons of globalization
2. A quiz on English in today's world 
Individual assignment 
15 Describe the impact of forengn imports 1. Introduce the separability of transitive phrasal verbs
2. Adverbs to change a negative topic to something more positive
3. Statements to emphasize a poinit
4. Listen to confirm the content and to summarize 
1. People's opinions about foreign imports  Listening, reading and discussing 
16 Humor
Explore the Limits of Humor
1. Analyze what makes us laugh.
2. Complete a chart and check the theory.
3. Listen and write a theory you think each passage exemplifies.
4. Compare your rating on practical jokes. 
Write a true or imaginary story telling what happened and what people said, using dialogue.  Individual or Pair work 
17 Review U 6~10 1. Check and Revise work on U10
2. Oral presentation to rebut an opposing view about globalization
3. Class presetation on stage 
  Get ready for final exam 
18 Final Examination

單一課程對應校能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to School Competence
School Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
1 道德力 (Morality) 4
2 自學力 (Self-learning) 4
3 創造力 (Creativity) 4
4 溝通力 (Communication) 4
5 就業力 (Employability) 4

單一課程對應系能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to Department Competence
Department Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
01 通識 學生能瞭解服務學習的意義及重要性,並能夠作具體實踐。 0
02 通識 學生能主動關懷社會,並具備對多元文化及社會之包容性。 3
03 通識 學生能理解歷史文化傳統及其影響 0
04 通識 學生能主動探索生命的真諦、肯定自我生命價值之能力 0
05 通識 學生能具備科學知能與應用之能力 0
06 通識 學生能具有分析議題的能力 4
07 通識 學生能使用網路及資料科技進行學習 2
08 通識 學生對於環境變遷與永續發展方面的資訊,具有更新學習與評論的能力 0
09 通識 學生具備獨立、批判、系統整合及創意之能力 4
10 通識 學生對智慧權之認知與取得有基本之能力 0
11 通識 學生能應用創意思考技巧在自己所學的領域及所處的環境中 3
12 通識 學生能「辨別」知識並同時培養「閱讀」不同知識的能力 4
13 通識 學生具外語溝通及瞭解他國文化及禮儀之能力 4
14 通識 學生能主動關注國際事務相關議題之興趣 4
15 通識 學生能瞭解台灣現狀與國際處境之能力 2
16 通識 學生能瞭解全球化脈動,反思及評估學習策略 2
17 通識 學生具有美善人事物的賞析、建構與分享之能力 0
18 通識 學生具有感受、瞭解及創作之能力,進而提升學生品味、想像力和判斷力 2
19 通識 學生能重視與賞析傳統文化及在地文化 0
20 通識 學生能重視藝術內涵,將其深化於生活之能力 0

單一課程對應院能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to College Competence
College Core Competencies
Degree of conformity

教科書或參考用書   Textbooks or Reference Books
館藏書名   Library Books
備註   Remarks

Summit 2, third edition, by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher, Copypright 2017, Pearson


※   Please respect intellectual property rights and do not illegally photocopy textbooks.  ※

教學方法   Teaching Method
Teaching Method
講述 30 %
影片欣賞 10 %
討論 15 %
個案研討 15 %
分享 15 %
問題導向學習 15 %
總和  Total 100 %

成績評量方式   Grading
期中考 30 %
期末考(會考) 30 %
出席狀況 5 %
平時成績 35 %
總和  Total 100 %


課程大綱補充資料   Supplementary Material of Course Syllabus