
 106 學年度 第 1 學期 通識教育中心 柯秀娟教師 英文A(一) 課程大綱

課程簡介   Course Introduction
Year / Term
106 學年度 第 1 學期
通識教育中心 通識必A
Instructional Method
課堂教學 、 中英文雙語授課
Course Reference Number
Course Title(Chinese)
Course Title(English)
English Ⅰ
Credit Hours
2 / 2
Requirement / Elective Course
Teaching Assistant
Meeting Time
Office Hours

獲獎及補助情形   Awards and Grants

聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs跨域類別)   Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs

課程目標   Learning Objectives
1. Develop confident English speakers able to navigate the social and professional situations they will encounter in their lives.
2. Deliver immediate, demontrable results through it goals- and achievement- based pedagogy and continual recycling of language.
3. All new and updated content greatly increase grammar, reading, listening, and writing practice, plus extra digital exercises.
4. Build up communicative competence.
5. Increase quality and quantity of expression.
6. Help students succeed on standardized tests, academic study, and professional communication.

先修 ( 前置 ) 課程   Prerequisite
1. With relevant langugage competence in English.
2. Being enthusiastic in developing language proficiency.
3. Being able to work on problem-solving tasks.

課程大綱   Course Syllabus
Instructional Method/Style/Teaching Style
References or Related Materials
1 Dreams and goals (part 1) 1. Ask someone's background.
2. Pair work to create a list of suggestions for a job application.
3. Reading text and understand the content.
4. Paraphrase expressions in different ways.
5. Speak up to explain personal ideas in choosing a job or career. 
1. Vocabulary and Grammar related to job applications.
2. Get ready to describe dreams and personal goals.
Oral competence 
2 Dreams and Goals (part2)
Discuss Career and Study Plan
1. Read and Listen to voc concering collocations for career and study plan.
2.Grammar practice
3.Pair work to create a conversation asking about someone's career or educational plans. 
Write a one-page biogrphy  pair work
Class presentation 
3 Dreams and Goals (part3)
Writing a Formal Letter
1. Compare your dreams and goals in life
2.Describe job qualifications
3.Explain the reasons for each of the do's and dont's.
4. Read an e-mail cover letter and rewrite it 
Write a formal cover letter to an exployer  Individual writing task 
4 Character and Responsibility (part1)
Describe the sequences of lying
1. Warm-up with Q&A in a survey.
2. Pair work to figure out situaions in which someone's feeling will accidently be hurt.
3. Lexis and grammar related.
4. Pair work to work on personal experiences. 
Describe the consequences of lying  Practice work on textbook 
5 Character and Responsibility (part 2)
Express Where Values Come From
1. Express regret and take responsibility.
2. Familiar with words and grammar related.
3. Create a conversation and role play. 
Summarize key issues from texts provided and provided specific examples to explain the most important influences on the development of your own values.  Individual work 
6 Character and Responsibility (part 3)
Discuss How Best to Help Others
1. Reading passage for philanthropic work.
2. Listen for main ideas.
3. Listen to confirm, to classify and to summarize.
4. Share personal experiences on a good-will event. 
Get ready to report about other celebrity philanthropists you are aware of  Pair work##Class presentation 
7 Review Unit 1&2 1. Oral presentation on stage with supplimentary materials provided if any  Review work on Unit 1&2  Class presentation 
8 Fears, Hardships, and Herosim (part 1)
Express Frustration, empathy and encouragement
1. compare self-tests with a partner.
2. Summarize the gist of a text read and explain your reasonos.
3. Listen to a conversation and choose the best response
4. Ask for more details about the problem and offer spicific advice.. 
Get ready for the Mid-term Exam   
9 Mid-term Exam Paper Test     
10 Fears, Hardships, and Heroism (part2)
Dexcribe how fear affects you physically
1. Passage reading
2. Provide examples from your own life.
3. Work on Voc and phrases, and grammatical patterns.
4. Write your partner's story 
Write a paragraph about how personal fears affect oneself physically with the grammar and voc from the unit  individual writing 
11 Fears, Hardships, and Heroism (part3)
Discuss Overcoming Handicaps and Hardships
1. Reading for spicific information.
2. Summarize how people and instituations contributed to someone's development and success.
3. Compare summaries with classmates. 
Compare information about what similarities people share and explain reasons.  Pair work 
12 Fears, Hardships, and Heroism (part4)
Exam the Nature of Herosim
1. Listening warm-up.
2. Word stroy using parts of speech.
3. Listening for detailed information.
4. Write a dexcription of the behavior that make a person a hero. 
Have a debate about which of the persons is the most heroic.  Group work 
13 Getting Along With Others (part1)
Acknowledgde Inconsiderate Behavior
1. Discuss how to overcome shortcomings.
2. Read and listen to a conversation and discuss problems encountered and then figure out possible solutions.
3. Work on grammatical patterns. 
Write a similar conversation, acknowledging someone's criticism  Pair work 
14 Getting Along with Others (part2)
Explore the Qualities of Friendship
1. Explain how you handle shortcominigs.
2. Talk about how friendships among men differ from friendships among women.
3. Discuss what a good frind will do on various situations.
4. Explain how you would rate your friendship in general. 
Writing- Transitional topic sentences assigned on the textbook  Individual assignment 
15 Humor
Discuss the Health Benefits of Laughter
1. Analyze personal sense of humor.
2. A class survey about the funniest or the least funny story.
3. Listening and note down idioms and expressions.
4. Think about positve and negative emotions which can affect personal hearlth. 
Work on grammatical structures assigned  individual assignment 
16 Humor
Explore the Limits of Humor
1. Analyze what makes us laugh.
2. Complete a chart and check the theory.
3. Listen and write a theory you think each passage exemplifies.
4. Compare your rating on practical jokes. 
Write a true or imaginary story telling what happened and what people said, using dialogue.  Individual or Pair work 
17 Review U 3, 4 & 5 1. Oral Presentation.
2. Individual or Pair work on stage.
3. With sufficient supporting materials provided. 
Get Reading for final exam   
18 Final Examination

單一課程對應校能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to School Competence
School Core Competencies
Degree of conformity
1 道德力 (Morality) 3
2 自學力 (Self-learning) 4
3 創造力 (Creativity) 4
4 溝通力 (Communication) 5
5 就業力 (Employability) 5

單一課程對應系能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to Department Competence
Department Core Competencies
Degree of conformity

單一課程對應院能力指標程度   The Degree to Which Single Course Corresponds to College Competence
College Core Competencies
Degree of conformity

教科書或參考用書   Textbooks or Reference Books
館藏書名   Library Books
備註   Remarks

Summit 2, third edition, by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher, Copypright 2017, Pearson


※   Please respect intellectual property rights and do not illegally photocopy textbooks.  ※

教學方法   Teaching Method
Teaching Method
講述 30 %
影片欣賞 10 %
討論 15 %
個案研討 15 %
分享 15 %
問題導向學習 15 %
總和  Total 100 %

成績評量方式   Grading
平時成績 35 %
期中考 30 %
期末考(含期初會考10%及期末會考20%) 30 %
出席狀況 5 %
總和  Total 100 %


課程大綱補充資料   Supplementary Material of Course Syllabus